![]() Business Scope: Steel Plate Cutting and Cutting Business Method: Theprocessing and sales enterprise was initially established in April 1984. lt rented anopen space from the warehouse of the Cangzhou Water Conservancy Bureau andset up a shed as a workshop. Over 20 people began steel plate processing andproduction. After two years of hard work, in August 1986, under the guidance ofthe Cangzhou Regional Commission for Economic Reform, the Cangzhou MetalPlate Cutting Factory was established with the approval of relevant authorities,becoming an independent legal entity. We specialize in processing steel plateleveling, storage, transportation, and distribution services for several large materialmanagement departments at the North China Station of the State Administration ofMaterials and Materials. After another two years of hard work, in October 1988, 1purchased the current 50 acre site for 400000 yuan, laying the foundation for develnnment and entrenreneurshin Bv relvina on self-reliance and salf.. |